Lectures & Performances

E & B offers "illustrated lectures" on a variety of topics ranging from the "History of Ballroom Dancing," for general audiences, to "Same, Yet So Different," designed specifically for dance audiences. The illustrated lectures range from 1/2 hour (designed as fillers, to brighten up any kind of meeting or program), to two-hour full-scale productions. Audience participation is always encouraged.

The lectures are well researched, humorous and informative appropriate for any occasion including private parties, academic, industrial or other environments, nightclubs, resorts and cruse ships. The lectures are delivered by Esther, with many years of experience in public speaking, teaching and communication (with a Ph.D. in the latter.) Most pas-de-deux demonstrations are performed by Dance Masters Esther and Ben. Vintage and group dances, such as the quadrille, minuet and grand march, are demonstrated by dance groups.

Esther and Ben Performing
the Waltz
at the Mills Mansion

The following illustrated lectures are available for general audiences:

  • History of Ballroom Dancing
  • Dances of the Turn of the 20th Century
  • Dances of the Rag Time Era
  • Dances of the 1920s
  • Dances of the Latin Spirit
  • The Legend of the Tango
  • Tango is a Tango is a Tango -- or is it?
  • Dance, Romance, Fashion, Etiquette
    Esther talking about dances
    of the Gilded Age

    The Historic
    Mills Mansion

    Esther discussing the
    colorful history of the Tango

    Mohonk Mountain

    Esther explaining the
    Paso Doble

    Twin Lakes Hotel

    The following illustrated lectures are specifically designed for ballroom and Latin dancing audiences: